This page is the visual compendium of all the critters that inhabit the Lower Rappahannock River (that we've discovered so far).  It is an on-going project, so if you have discovered a critter in the Lower Rappahanock who's not on  this page, e-mail it's photo to us, and we'll add it to the Compendium. Your participation is essential.

American Eel (Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Blue Crab (Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Croaker(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Eastern Oyster(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Feather Blennie (Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Flounder(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Hog choker(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Hognosed Ray(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Lined Seahorse(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)




Menhaden can be found from Canada to northern Florida. It’s very common in the Chesapeake Bay. Menhaden can live up to 12 years. An adult Menhaden should be 12 to 15 inches( 30.48 to 38.1 cm) long in average and it can be over 1 pound(0.45 kg) in weight. Menhaden feeds mainly on microscopic plants and it is the prey of almost all the predaceous animals. Menhaden is one of the most important of the fishes of the East Coast, it can be used for the manufacture of oil and fertilizer.


Mud Crab(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)


Geographic range- Chesapeake Bay.  Habitat- Muddy marshes, tidal creeks, grass flats, and along sheltered shores. In the summer when the water is warmer they usually stay within 100 feet of the shoreline. In the winter when the water is chillier they often go to deep water or burrow 6-8 inches in bottom mud or silt.  Diet-  Algae, plants, insects, insect larvae, worms, they also will eat the eggs of their own species.  Size- Maximum size - 5-6 inches


Oyster Toadfish(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Pipefish(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Red Beard Sponge (Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Red Drum(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Silver perch(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Silverside(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Skilletfish(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Spadefish(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Speckled Trout(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Striped Bass(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Striped Killifish(Size, Habitat, Diet, Role)

Sugar Toad Blowfish

Geographic range- comes to the bay from spring until fall then leaves the bay in the winter for deeper offshore waters.  Habitat- usually stays at the bottom of the bay in the bay flats and channel margin

Diet - They usually tend to feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Size: Up to 14 inches